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Floating In Time

At this time of my life and with so much on my plate, it feels like a massive accomplishment to be able to complete and share a new piece of music. I hope you enjoy it. @MeisterMusic Written and Produced by Rob Meister Drums @ProDrummer Bass @sadowskimaciej Mixed and Mastered
Playing Live

For the past few months I have been doing solo shows around this glorious Sydney Town and I must say I have been having the time of my life! There is nothing like connecting with people and sharing classic songs in my own way. Once upon a time I used
My voice on an Amazon best seller!!

I discovered today that the audiobook I recorded for Dr Minkoff is a best seller on Amazon – in 3 categories!!! How cool is that! I encourage you to check it out, as it is a brilliant listen and a very important subject!
Crikey where is 2021 going!!!!

Hey Guys When my time lifted from being marooned on the farm last year, I hit Sydney with SUCH force, that i completely forgot to write a thing here. Anyways, I trust everyone that reads this is well and making the best out of the strangest time our current civilization
The Great Reset – Good, Bad or Ugly??

Few haven’t at least heard the term “The Great Reset”. It sounds dramatic, universal and like a Hollywood film – but what is it exactly and how does it effect us all? It may seem unreal to some, but from what I can tell, it is a term denoting a