Playing Live

For the past few months I have been doing solo shows around this glorious Sydney Town and I must say I have been having the time of my life! There is nothing like connecting with people and sharing classic songs in my own way. Once upon a time I used to think all music had to be mine and I have failed if I was performing other peoples music…what crap! I love writing songs and sometimes people ask for them, but right now, just going out a singing my arse off and getting others to join me with songs they know and love is an absolute blast! And I feel very fortunate to be able to do so!

Crikey where is 2021 going!!!!

Hey Guys

When my time lifted from being marooned on the farm last year, I hit Sydney with SUCH force, that i completely forgot to write a thing here.

Anyways, I trust everyone that reads this is well and making the best out of the strangest time our current civilization has faced.

I am now living in Australia, have started a nutrition company, reunited with my daughter (after 28 years, which has been a phenomenal experience), am studying hard for a new career humanitarian post with my church and am otherwise flat out and loving life!

New music coming soon (I Hope!)


The Great Reset – Good, Bad or Ugly??

Few haven’t at least heard the term “The Great Reset”. It sounds dramatic, universal and like a Hollywood film – but what is it exactly and how does it effect us all?

It may seem unreal to some, but from what I can tell, it is a term denoting a financial reset that will in part transfer wealth from the masses (specifically small to medium business owners) into the hands of the few that are already commanding multi billion dollar enterprises – not to mention a whole host of other “benefits” at the expense of our populations.

Sound crazy? I wish it were…

Look for yourself and may you never think the same again!


My Survival Tips

What a strange time we have just entered. In many ways it is exciting that we can all band together to beat a virus, but my opinion is a majority won’t easily take this point of view and thus much frustration and restlessness will get activated, only to be taken out on those in the immediate environment. A friend in Italy told me that crime has gone to zero, but that domestic abuse has skyrocketed! No surprises there considering all the espressos they drink!!!

So how do we get above our own frustrations and make the most of this situation, without going mental? There is no quick fix to this, even though to some it will be the bottle, drugs or some other addiction.

What can you do? Aside from working to make moula, I suggest the following:

0. Watch the media as little as possible, to not at all – once a week is plenty enough as the message won’t change in a hurry. Our Prime Minister said be prepared for 6 months! God I hope not, but I am thinking with that possibility. The problem with the media is it can make one fearful, feel helpless and a spectator to life, so small doses please!

1. Make a garden and plant as many veggies as you can (indoor gardens work). If possible also get some chickens, so you have access to eggs. Plants grow fast and you’ll find out how to do it on YouTube – its very easy!

2. Use this time to reconnect with old friends and loved ones. Talking about the news and how bad it is won’t help, so reminisce and share stories, tell jokes, whatever you choose, but don’t just spew hate to the current scene.

3. Forgive the misdeeds of others. We are all human and we have all made mistakes. Ultimately carrying forward your pain and being a victim to someone else just isn’t healthy. Most people are good and deserve a second chance and this will help change the global Karma. We are all intimately connected and though you may think what you do doesn’t matter, it does. The love and tolerance you show to others makes a big difference – conversely, when you attack, hate or show frustration, you spread that too.

4. Make music, sing, dance, paint, draw, create! Art is an incredible therapy, one of the best and no matter how bad you think you are, just do it and have fun!

5. Exercise…20 minutes a day minimally.

6. Try not to get stuck on social media or the TV: paint a room, fix that broken door handle, anything that needs doing but that you have been putting off, do it now!

7. Avoid conspiracies. This is one of the hardest for me as I am sure there is much more going on than what the media says, but going down that rabbit hole isn’t very empowering. Maybe it is for some and if so, do it. But whether COVID19 was created by the Illuminati, the Dems, the CIA, CCP, KGB or the animal smugglers of Wuhan, we won’t know in a hurry and ultimately, what will be will be. You can’t directly change what they are doing, but you can change yourself, those around you and your immediate environment…by making that as ideal as possible, you will effect the greater scene and bit by bit the world will change for the better.


Fools Never Rest


Last year I shot this video in the amazing San Miguel De Allende in the heart of Mexico, while recording the song with the incredible Producer and arranger and fellow Aussie Lorenzo Toppano!

I wrote this back in 2003 and made several recordings of it since, but none complimented what I thought was a good message worth sharing. Lorenzo loved the track and he helped me bring it to life. Coupled with Aussie legend Jack Jones laying down a killer solo, I am very happy to share it!

I hope you enjoy it too 🙂
