Playing Live

For the past few months I have been doing solo shows around this glorious Sydney Town and I must say I have been having the time of my life! There is nothing like connecting with people and sharing classic songs in my own way. Once upon a time I used to think all music had to be mine and I have failed if I was performing other peoples music…what crap! I love writing songs and sometimes people ask for them, but right now, just going out a singing my arse off and getting others to join me with songs they know and love is an absolute blast! And I feel very fortunate to be able to do so!

Crikey where is 2021 going!!!!

Hey Guys

When my time lifted from being marooned on the farm last year, I hit Sydney with SUCH force, that i completely forgot to write a thing here.

Anyways, I trust everyone that reads this is well and making the best out of the strangest time our current civilization has faced.

I am now living in Australia, have started a nutrition company, reunited with my daughter (after 28 years, which has been a phenomenal experience), am studying hard for a new career humanitarian post with my church and am otherwise flat out and loving life!

New music coming soon (I Hope!)


The Great Reset – Good, Bad or Ugly??

Few haven’t at least heard the term “The Great Reset”. It sounds dramatic, universal and like a Hollywood film – but what is it exactly and how does it effect us all?

It may seem unreal to some, but from what I can tell, it is a term denoting a financial reset that will in part transfer wealth from the masses (specifically small to medium business owners) into the hands of the few that are already commanding multi billion dollar enterprises – not to mention a whole host of other “benefits” at the expense of our populations.

Sound crazy? I wish it were…

Look for yourself and may you never think the same again!


Perfect Amino Audiobook #

Have you lived before this life?

One thing that has changed a lot over the last few months is my appearance on FB live doing talks on a host of different topics for my Church. Though for the longest time I rarely mixed this page with my personal beliefs, I have decided to make this page much more about who I am in a complete sense rather than just about music.

Truth is, since 2011 I haven’t been working in the Music Biz very much at all after leaving latin America. My purpose to help people took on a new level of priority then and most of the music I do now is related to my work with the IAS, Youth for Human Rights and other Non profits as well as directly for my Church.

I am not one to stand on a soapbox, but considering the state of the world, it would be very callous of me to not share the information that has helped me achieve true spiritual happiness. Given our purpose is to unite all religions and not concert anyone, then i think it’s a good purpose to make known.

That said, this weeks is going to be a very interesting topic, so I hope you can join me.

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Escaping lockdown

Well, well, well…what a ride it was during the lockdown! I am happy I got to spend it in Tasmania on 200 acres in the incredible Huon Valley, but I now that I am in Sydney, I feel a great sense of relief that life is starting to come back to normal, or is it? As of today, Victoria is now locking down suburbs which is really strange. If we were dealing with a truly deadly virus that was killing people wholesale, then it would make sense, but based on current statistics, COVID is like a seasonal flu.

This is a seriously weird time and I fear that the good people in our Gov are following recommendations/orders for another purpose. What it is I am not fully sure, but it doesn’t appear to be good at all.